Corona Pandemic Conference: Benghazi Libya 30-31/JAN/ 2021
The Fallouts and Measures to Manage
Important Dates
Deadline for receiving participation forms and research: 20-11- 2020
Informing participants whether or not to accept their participation: 20-12-2020
Conference date: 30-31 January 2021
In the name of Allah,
Peace and blessings be upon you.
The spread of Coronavirus ( Covid-19) has prompted various countries around the world to take preventive measures to stop or help stop its spread. Libya, our country, has not been isolated from the world to face Covid -19. The Libyan authorities have used all possible means and taken all preventive measures to control and limit its spreading.
In the light of these circumstances,the need to hold conferences, studies and scientific research comes as an attempt to come up with plans and policies that will enable decision – makers to get out of the crisis with no harm ,or mitigate its effects.
The recommendations resulting from the conferences,studies and reseach will certainly enable policy -makers to avoid damages that can be caused by this pandemic or similar pendemics and crisis in the future.
This conference aims to identify the challenges and obstacles facing the state institutions of various fields:health institutions, psychological and educational institutions, economic institutions,etc. The conference also aims at identifying these challenges from a legislative and legal point view of.
In addition, the conference intends to provide insights on what measures can be taken to support the Libyan Institutes to face future challenges.
About the Conference:
COVID-19 pandemic is considered an unprecedented global state of emergency that has affected millions of people and led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands all over the world. It is also considered the most serious pandemic that world has faced from 100 years ago. Therefore, organizing conference to discuss the consequences of this pandemic and the possible measure to manage is now an imperative that academic institutions and research centers in all disciplines can no longer ignore.
It’s notable that COVID-19 pandemic have made the world’s governments, leaders and systems under a remarkable pressure which has revealed their weaknesses and need to be more developed. This obviously has affect all the life aspects; social, political, legal, educational and economic. Accordingly, most countries around the world are hardly working to benefit from such crises in aiming to develop their systems and policies. University of Benghazi (UoB) is the first and the largest university in Libya that has several research centers and a large number of qualified researchers in medicine, economics, law, science, sociology and many other disciplines. Also, UoB’s strategy focuses on serving Libyan society and contributing to promote social progress and better standards of life. Therefore, the university organizes this conference to provide an opportunity for academics, researchers, executives and leaders to tackle with pandemic issues for more understanding and finding the measures to manage them in aiming to develop Libyan institutions and organisations and support them to face similar future situations.
Conference Objectives:
Assessing the pandemic of Covid-19 locally and globally.
Educating society about the seriousness of the pandemic.
Proposing confrontational policies and putting forward solutions.
Highlighting the role of scientific research in the face of the crisis.
Emphasizing the development of scientific plans to deal with local epidemics.
Conference Themes:
The health effects of Covid-19 pandemic and measures for treatment
The challenges of Libyan economy in Covid-19 pandemic era and the possible solutions.
The effects of Covid-19 pandemic on Libyan market, consumer behavior and companies’ strategies.
Corporate Social Responsibility of Libyan organisation during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The role of the media in raising awareness and education.
Social and psychological implications and ways to address them.
The effects of the Corona pandemic on education.
Legal, legitimate, and security implications and confrontational Policies.
Political implications and international relations and their implications.
Successful adapted public policies to Covid-19 pandemic issues.
Target Audience
Faculty members in universities and institutes
Researchers and graduate students
Civil society organizations
Service institutions and decision-makers
Got a question?
frequently asked questions?
An answer to each question is provided, incase you have got any inquiries you are welcome to contact through [email protected]
When will the conference take place? Where is it located?
The 2020 CPCBL will take place December 29-31, 2020 at the Faculty of Science, The University of Benghazi, Libya
What are the registration fees?
There are no registration fees for the conference
Is there a PowerPoint template I should be using?
Yes, only participants that have been accepted for oral presentation should use PowerPoint template which is available on the web.
Will my paper be published in a Journal or the conference proceedings?
If your paper has been accepted it will be published online on the conference website following the conference.
Are meals included in the conference?
All registered attendees are invited to join morning and afternoon coffee, but buffet lunches will be available for presenters only.
My question is not listed here. Whom do I contact?
Please contact [email protected] for assistance
Keynote Speakers

Lubna G. Abdel Malik
Professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Benghazi

Tarek Mohammed Elgamly
Assoc. Prof. Faculty of Law, University of Benghazi

Mohammed Zahi Bashir
Prof. of honor, political science, Department of Political Science, University of Benghazi

Issa Ali
Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, University of Benghazi

Adel I. Eltwati
Senior Medical Advisor and Medical Education Specialist
Terms of Submission
- Commitment to the ethics of scientific research;
- The submitted research should be relevant to the themes and axes of the conference;
- The submitted research should not have been published or submitted before the time of the conference;
- The research is accepted in Arabic or English;
- The submitted research is subject to arbitration by specialized Committees;
- The number of pages of the research should not exceed 20 pages.
- To participate in the conference, participants can register via the electronic form prepared by the scientific committee.
Conference Committees
- Prof. Khaled M. Edbey, Faculty of Science, Chair
- Prof. Abdulrahim M. El-Badri, Faculty of Art
- Prof. Awad A. Elahaiwel, Faculty of Art
- Prof. Abdelnasser I. Boukhsheim, Faculty of Economics,
- Prof. Fatma S. Ben Khaial, Faculty of Medicine,
- Prof. Tawfig M. Tawill, Faculty of IT,
- Assoc. Prof. Salmin K. Alshalmani, Faculty of Pharmacy,
- Assoc. Prof. Jouma M. Elfotaysi, Faculty of Media,
- Asst. Prof. Jazia G. Shaiter, Faculty of Law,
- Assoc. Prof. Ismaeel H. Bozakouk, Faculty of Science, Chair
- Assoc. Prof. Amal Abdelhadi, Faculty of Economics
- Asst. Prof. Adulateef A. Mady, Faculty of law
- Dr. Salima A. Elfagi, Faculty of Public Health
- Dr. Omaima H. Gatlawi, Faculty of Medicine
- Mrs. Saria S. Eltalhi, Faculty of IT
- Mr. Yamen A. Eltayar, Media production center
- Mr. Salah A. Al-Kadiki, General services office